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the world of coca cola

  ¿What is a soda? A soda is a drink that contains carbonated water, and a natural or artificial flavoring, and sweetener. The sweetener may be a sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, a sugar substitute (in the case of diet drinks), or some combination of these.                                                        The difference between Coca-Cola Zero, light, and normal. The Zero has no sugar and contains zero calories, it is very attractive to consumers. The flavor of the zero and the normal soda is similar, ¿How? well they get it with two edulcolorants that replace the sugar. This causes two things, an increase in appetite due to the drop in glucose, and the stress of the pancreas that has to be producing insulin unnecessarily. What are the components about the Coca-Cola zero,light and normal...
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The world of Cola-Cola

Laura: Majo: Pipe:  In my opinion, I believe that there are several sodas that are very harmful to health, such as Coke, this seems to me to be very harmful since it contains a large amount of sugar and caramel and there are people who drink it very safely, they can take up to 5 Coke in a day and that in my opinion seems to me that it is wrong since if we take it too often it can give us a diabetic heart attack